Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What Really Causes Sleep Apnea?

When you’re shopping for sleep apnea machines online, you might wonder: Why do I have sleep apnea? What really causes it?

Most people think sleep apnea is caused by being overweight and/or a smoker, and although these are two risk factors, they do not describe everyone with sleep apnea. In fact, half of all sleep apnea patients are not obese.

The breathing interruptions characteristic of sleep apnea occur when the airway is obstructed, which can result from a number of factors, including:
  • Being obese or overweight
  • Certain physical qualities, such as large tonsils or enlarged tongue, deviated septum, receding chin, or even the structure of the neck and head
  • Nasal blockage, which can be caused by allergies, illness, sinuses, or smoking
  • Throat muscles that relax too much as you sleep, potentially the result of alcohol, sleeping pills, or old age
As some of these physical attributes and conditions are genetic, sleep apnea is often runs in families.

Of course, understanding sleep apnea is only half the battle—you also have to treat it. Visit www.CPAPmart.com for quality Respironics CPAP machines and masks that can help you breathe easier.

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